Monday, May 31, 2010

last post!

As this will be my last post, I have come to a conclusion that my understanding of solidarity has changed immensely. This morning as i was working on my website, my brother's friend was over. He told me that solidarity is pointless and just a nicer word for Communism. Because of this project, I was able to debate him on this topic. I have come to learn that solidarity is not just something that we use as a nation, but it is also something that we use in our everyday life. For example, I know that I need my family to help me survive. We all depend on each other and we are a team. I also noticed this at my work place. I work at a restaurant that tends to get busy every night. I realized that people depend on me to do my side work, whether it be making coffee, filling up the soup, or cutting the pies, as well as me depending on them to do their side work. I am proud to say that after working on this project, I have a better understanding. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Post II :)

So far in my research, I have learned some interesting things about solidarity. When I was searching online for solidarity and examples of it, I came across an interesting article. The article was about people gathering at the Vatican, supporting Pope Benedict XVI, despite the others who are criticizing him for not taking action when there was a sex scandal while he was a Bishop. It was interesting because the people felt the pain and embarrassment that he was feeling. They were empathizing with him, instead of sympathizing.
I have learned so many new facts so far about solidarity, thus giving new opinions. Before this my Theology class this semester, I thought that solidarity was almost a communist idea. Now, I realize that solidarity has nothing to do with everyone having the same rights, but it is more of people having rights in general. In order for the people to even have these rights, other people must stand up for them.
I also found this quote today while researching the topic:
"To injure one is to injure all"
This quote was famous during the Industrial Revolution and it was used to describe how the dangerous workplaces were affecting the people. I think that this quote is very relate-able to the topic of solidarity because it basically says it all; when we hurt one individual or group of people, they will not be the only one's affected. We will be affected, as well as those who are called to help the injured.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Solidarity is the belief that "we are all in this together". It is the belief that in order for us to all survive, we need each other. It means that we need to speak up for each other and be there to show other humans that we care. Here is a quote that I think demonstrates solidarity:
"In Germany, they first came for the Communists, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me- and by that time, there was no one left to speak up..."
- Pastor Martin Niemoller

Like this quote said, soon there will be no one left to speak up. I believe that solidarity is crucial to our society. We clearly need each other.