Monday, May 31, 2010

last post!

As this will be my last post, I have come to a conclusion that my understanding of solidarity has changed immensely. This morning as i was working on my website, my brother's friend was over. He told me that solidarity is pointless and just a nicer word for Communism. Because of this project, I was able to debate him on this topic. I have come to learn that solidarity is not just something that we use as a nation, but it is also something that we use in our everyday life. For example, I know that I need my family to help me survive. We all depend on each other and we are a team. I also noticed this at my work place. I work at a restaurant that tends to get busy every night. I realized that people depend on me to do my side work, whether it be making coffee, filling up the soup, or cutting the pies, as well as me depending on them to do their side work. I am proud to say that after working on this project, I have a better understanding. :)

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